Finance Committee

As under section 25 of the DNLU Act, 2018, there shall be a Finance Committee which shall be composed of:

  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • One member nominated by the Executive Council from amongst its members
  • One officer each of the Finance Department and Higher Education Department (not below the rank of Deputy Secretary) Government of Madhya Pradesh as nominated by the State Government.
  • One member nominated by the General Council
  • The Registrar of the University.
  • The Finance Controller of the University as Secretary of the Finance Committee.
Sr. Member/Authorities Name Position
1 Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha

Vice Chancellor
Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur

2 Dr. Praveen Tripathi

Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur

3 Dr. Leela Bhalavi

Regional Additional Director
Department of Higher Education

4 Shri Rohit Singh Kaushal

Joint Director of Funds & Accounts
Department of Finance

5 Mr. Sanjay Seth

Chartered Accountant

6 Mrs. Sarita Rawat

Finance Controller
Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur

Member Secretary